There has been an extremely irritating resurgence of people spewing the most inane and patronizing observation that "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" as if it's a profound pro-gun argument.
Maybe I'm just hyper-insightful, but it seems to me that people basically I think know that guns don't pull their own triggers. It's a flotsam of cognition on the level of a dog's immediate and banal connection that "Knobs don't open doors, people open doors." The difference is that a dog realizes that the number of available doors correlates to the number of available places to take a shit.
I swear, I want to spit in the face of people who mindlessly repeat things they want to believe that are so obviously stupid.
Actually, I think I undersold the dog's intelligence compared to the spewer of idiocy. Some dogs can figure out how to work a doorknob...