Anatomy of Trump Speech Part V: Dissecting the Skeleton—Hillary Clinton is a Weak, Screaming Bitch.

Dissecting the Skeleton—Hillary Clinton is a Weak, Screaming Bitch.

The use of stagecraft is the primary tool for depicting Hillary Clinton. The effect is carefully calculated so that the speech appears to be completely off the top of his head, when in reality it is very meticulously combed over, greased down, and hairsprayed with what I can only assume is Gorilla Glue. 

Seriously. I’ve never seen a single flutter in a gust of wind that should cause that spinnaker sail of a hairpiece to fly off and take a good portion of his scalp with it. Damn his speechwriters, I want to hear from the stylist capable of crafting a hair sculpture so meticulously.  

The primary characterization of Hillary Clinton is as a feeble, tired old woman. This is naturally contrasted with his brash machismo despite the fact that he’s significantly older than her. The narrative begins with Trump saying she’ll be an extension of Obama, and that Hillary Clinton has “got no strength, she’s got no stamina. Remember that.” 

Sounds like a good idea. I think I will remember that.

Personally,  I’ve never heard a single suggestion from any other candidate, or for that matter human being on the planet, that Hillary clinton has no strength and stamina. If anything, her seemingly bottomless wellspring of energy puts most 25-year-olds to shame. Nevertheless, although he has never once even hinted at it at a debate, the speech is laced with this innuendo. 

What happens next is both a mediocre piece of stagecraft and, frankly, a pathetic exposition of the credulity of his audience. He apparently thinks that at least half the voters in this country are dense enough to believe that reality TV is reality, and unfortunately, the polls would suggest he’s right. The event in question is the appearance of the single female protestor.

To ensure consistency of composition, she shows up a magical three times throughout the speech. The first is just after Trump summarizes his opening statement of how great he is and how flaccid his opponents are, culminating with a tirade about how Obama—and by proxy the former Secretary of State—has ruined the Middle East, cost us thousands of lives, trillions of dollars, and “we have nothing. We got nothing. We got absolutely nothing.”

For some reason, this moment is selected by a strident, whiskey-rasped female protestor to begin furiously screaming incoherencies. However, to her credit, she was polite enough to let Trump finish the first section of his speech right down to the final period. The crowd begins yelling for her to be thrown out, and a football chant of “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” ensues. Security drags her out and a few at the people of the rally hurl insults at her for good measure. 

Trump tries to temper the crowd by patronizing her gender with thinly-veiled glee. “Treat her nicely. I don’t know what she said, but whatever it is, treat her nicely”. He directs this at security personnel, as the crowd certainly isn’t taking that cue. 

Then it happens. His first sentence once the audience calms down and the protestor has been escorted away is “That person had a very weak voice. What a weak voice. Strange... Strange.” Now anyone who hasn’t caught onto the game at this point need only wait another two minutes. Trump quickly explains how great it would be if we could all “get together and make this country great again,” pausing for a moment to point out how much he loves a pastor who happens to be in the crowd. 

He continues: “But you know, if you think about it, and [sic] you’ll have some people who will never be satisfied. They’ll just always be troublemakers etc. etc., but most people aren’t. And they believe something. I have some very smart friends. They don’t agree with me because they believe in the other side. But I really believe if you talk about making America great we have to be strong, we have to be vigilant...

And there goes the protestor screaming again just as Trump is mentioning being strong and vigilant. That’s right. Somehow, a protestor who was chucked out by the type of security one would expect guarding a major candidate for a major political party, has miraculously slipped past them and started screaming again. This time the crowd has a different chant.

“Throw her out! Throw her out! Throw her out!”

I don’t think I need to even begin to comment on the convenience of getting a crowd to scream that when your most likely competitor is a female Democrat...

In case they missed it, Trump just tells them it was the same person. He follows this with an extraordinarily convenient segue into his discussion of national security.

“You know, so far the security is not doing a great job in here, I’ll tell you that. That was the asme person. You can do very nice, but why don’t you get her out, ‘cause honestly, it’s inappropriate. So security...strengthen yourself up!”

The crowd predictably boos the hell out of the weak and feeble security. 

“See, your country has this kind of security. It’s a problem. Get her out. Please. Thank you.” (This woman has already been gone for a whole minute.)

“Same person. It’s one person. It’s one person. They let her out and they give her a second chance, and the same things happens.”

It is time to recall the tidbit of information Trump told us to remember way back before any of this happened:

“And then we’re looking at Hillary Clinton, and honestly, I know Hillary. It’s just going to be an extension of Obama. I think maybe worse. She’s got no strength, she’s got no stamina. Remember that.”

Got it. I don't quite know why, but now I understand that all that rambling crap I couldn't quite follow was actually about her.

The best part is the end of the speech though. For the next forty minutes Trump wheedles his way through all his talking points about barring Muslims from the country indefinitely, how much Muslims hate America, a quite protracted diatribe against the “scum” that is the media, and a few interesting diversions about how much he hates Chris Christie. 

The last five minutes is a massive, self-aggrandizing love-in that makes me want to puke. He just goes on and on and on...and on and on...and on...about how amazing he is at everything. Now any decent human being with even a shred of self-respect should begin hurling vegetables and feces at the stage. I cannot believe anyone would let a political hog roll around in a waller of their own filth like that right in front of them. It's absolutely ridiculous. I don’t know exactly why, but for some reason a huge portion of this country seems to nurse a hidden desire to worship somebody better than them. It's beyond me. Nevertheless, the speech is about to wind up.

The Donald begins his final thought with “We will make this country so great. We have people, and, and I’ll tell you something. I’ll tell you something. I, you know, somebody said something to me the other day, and what I want to do; what I really want to do...

Guess who manages to Mission: Impossible her way in right at this critical moment. Screaming bitchface with her gigantic hat has managed to make it through security for a third time, and starts screaming the most screeching nonsense I've ever heard. This time however, Trump isn’t going to take shit from a woman.

“Forget it. (talking over the protestor). What I want to do is I want to be the people’s president.”

He then stared down the protestor until it seems like it’s a good time for her to let up so the crowd can draw their attention back to Trump. It could not possibly be more staged, and the crowd sucks it in like a vanilla malt made with malt liquor instead of the standard additive. The atmosphere is that of a frenzied group of sharks closing in on a bait ball the size of Rhode Island. Time to feed the beast.

“The best thing I see going around, and the best thing I’ve seen more than anyone else, is how smart people are. They don’t believe those people in the back that write for Forbes. They don’t believe ‘em. The people are really smart. What’s given me more inspiration that any other single thing are the people I’ve met—the incredible people of this country.  We’re going to (get ready for a rule of three) make America great again, and we’re going to make it greater...greater than ever before.”

Well done, son. Well done. Got a great closer?

“1. And I love you all, and 1.thank you very much. 2. I love you 2. thank you very much. South Carolina, 3. thank you! 3. We love you!

I swear, they must be clicker training him like a water spaniel to be that consistent with the threes. In some ways I have to admit there’s a genius to it all, but in the end it’s just insulting to our collective intelligence. However, this is only one level that frames his characterization of Hillary. Right after the convenient security problem he leads into a secondary level of feminine association and degradation. I call this “Story Time”. 

Next—Part V: Dissecting the Organs—Hillary Clinton is every Terrible Thing on the Planet.