The Colosseum of the Screen: America’s Erection for Violence

The Colosseum of the Screen: America’s Erection for Violence

Visiting the Colosseum in Rome was a strange confluence of cultures and cultural reactions. It is a building in which the worst organized atrocities have likely ever been perpetrated outside the realm of total war. Although a cultural icon, it is often taken as such for reasons I consider highly suspect. Walking around the ruins, people are happily snapping pictures of themselves overlooking the remnants of the underground cells for the damned slave or beast that were covered by the killing floor of the Colosseum stage. My reaction was one of pathos, and it brought about reflection on the somber irony. In its highest days, the people gathered to revel in the spectacle of death.

The Poetry Community Website: Home of the World's Greatest Incoherencies

Even on a website dedicated to poetry, the troll of opportunism still guards the bridge to  pleasant existence. The only difference is that, on a poetry website, the argument could be made that a massive, crass advertisement for some movie site that will offer you the privilege of paying to see Independence Day: Resurgence, is a profound, poetic satire about the modern abuses of the the written word. 

The Trump Speech

For anyone interested, you can find an analysis of Trump's speech techniques on my website under Politics, as well as a transcript of the Yorktown Speech that is archetypical of the exaggerated  high-pitched screeching it has become today. I encourage everyone to particularly take a look at the analysis involving his techniques, particularly the one on Lincoln. 

It will help explain a lot of his insanity. Perhaps rather than "explain" I'd prefer to say "describe"...

The Mysteries of the Neti Pot

This is a bizarre question, and I don't like the fact that it even exists...

So I got a mild eye infection because I'm an idiot and kept wearing my contacts despite obvious evidence this was dumb. I have also been wearing them long enough to know what dumb means in this regard. So I used a neti pot to assist clearing out my sinuses, and to be honest, I have no idea if it's even supposed to be used that way.

Weapon of Choice

Weapon of Choice

If the people of a state have decided that they will allow each other to open carry, the common citizen has no business calling the police if they feel threatened by someone with a rifle strapped to their back in public. There are a myriad of videos online of people peevishly strapping a rifle on their back and filming their open carry walk through town expressly for the purpose of laying into police officers who want to check up on the public safety. The very people who are afraid are the same that validate the hubris of those who intentionally seek out their fear.

An End to End Times

An End to End Times

Religions that use the words "end times" need to be excised from the human consciousness as one hacks out a cancer from a vital organ. I, perhaps, can see how things like the events in Florida can come about when one thinks that the end of the world and our total extermination is the most joyous event of fulfillment of man's purpose in the universe, and we should be earnestly seeking to bring about.

The Fallacy of Gun Control

The Fallacy of Gun Control

Unfortunately guns are embedded in our society. There are millions of registered weapons and many more that have been stolen or otherwise illegally possessed. For years the argument has been made that the conceal/carry and more weapons in the hands of law-abiding citizens—being everyone with a gun before they commit a crime—is the only way to create a safe society. Any time there is a mass shooting the 2nd Amendment crew sighs and says "If only someone with a gun had been there..."

The Transcendental

What is the transcendental? For me, it is the experience of indefinable beauty that impels profound pursuit of understanding, or the profound realization that inspires the greatest and most pleasurable metaphorical extension to the rest of one's life.

The transcendental realm is the space between the two that shall never meet, and therein lies the greatest joy of life. 



If you read my assessment of New Square and the Clintons, I would be interested in your thoughts. Sooooo...thoughts?

Also, Rachel Segal and several others have brought up interesting points about the Clintons and other candidates that I think are worth exploring. 

Does anyone have ideas they would like explored?

What do you actually know about Hillary Clinton?

What do you actually know about Hillary Clinton?

First installment is up under Politics, Current Events

State of Affairs—The Rise and Run of Hillary Clinton: Prologue



I think I'm ready for a fucking argument. I know a lot of people who run their mouths about how bad Hillary Clinton is, but I've not heard a single piece of evidence that warrants such vitriolic hatred compared to any other politicians. I've heard it from the smart and from the dumb.  I'm ready to hear your opinions, because I can't see any beyond the norms.

The Conundrum of Meat Names

I've been wondering this for some time now. Why is it that when we change how we refer to an animal's meat depending on the animal?

For instance, we don't eat steer, calf, ox or cow. We eat steak, beef or veal. Similarly, we eat pork and venison, not pig and deer. We never eat "the animal". However, we don't eat Sea Bass or Bream generally speaking—we eat fish, a generalization of the entire category of animals. Finally, when we eat shrimp, clams, lobster and oysters, we eat exactly what we call the animal. 

Lastly, for poultry we eat eggs, but for things that live in water we eat roe. What the hell? I'd love some help here...

The Agora: A Short Jog For The Peripatetic Mind


There is a restaurant nearby called Telegraph. Everything there is correct. They have great drinks, superb food, and a delightful happy hour. The owner was even there assisting and overseeing everything—a virtual guarantee of excellence. 

I spoke with him. It’s slow so far because the immediate neighborhood is old, conservative grumpy people passive-aggressively Yelping.