Beyond Democracy

I have been working for a long time on a solution to the pessimism of democracy or anarchy being "the best we can do" for human social organization. There is such a solution.

In metaphor, Prometheus is the human condition as it stands today. Whether he has given fire or philosophy, he still remains chained for the crime. He is bound because those who receive his gifts bind him, not the gods. As long as he is bound, we cannot advance past the inevitability of the eagle consuming his liver and being remade anew each day, only to be consumed again. We live as we do because we accept—rather choose—to keep him bound.

This new civic and judicial philosophy I have termed it Citizenism. In principle it removes the subjugation and injustice inherent in a democratic society that does and will always exist as the ever-discoverable variations in counterculture are subjected to the whims of the majority that decides what is tolerable normalcy and what is not. It also strikes a second blow against the socio-economic iniquity that plagues a democratic society that chooses to accept the chains of Prometheus in the same way. 

In short, it is a step beyond democratic capitalism, and a nullification of the lie that social inequality is eternally entangled with capitalism. The human animal is not chained to its failings—it is manacled to its ignorance. The answer is a freeing of Prometheus from his chains, to stand as proxy for all mankind.

There is more to follow.