The Mysteries of the Neti Pot

This is a bizarre question, and I don't like the fact that it even exists...

So I got a mild eye infection because I'm an idiot and kept wearing my contacts despite obvious evidence this was dumb. I have also been wearing them long enough to know what dumb means in this regard. So I used a neti pot to assist clearing out my sinuses, and to be honest, I have no idea if it's even supposed to be used that way. Oh, also, I don't have a neti pot. I have a turkey baster. And shut up.

You see, I would have been a fantastic tribal medicine man, and probably far richer than I am now. "Hey Ben, my arm hurts. What do you recommend?" "Make a poultice of donkey urine and rotten shrimp, cut your arm open, and shove it in there twice a week." "That seems dangerous and unnecessary." "Nah. It's got urine and...stuff for a disinfectant and...soft meat to help regrow your arm junk. Besides, it's seafood. That's healthy, right? Seems perfect." "Really?" "...Yeah. Why not?  I mean, why wouldn't it work?" "I suppose I trust you." "That'll be seventy-five cowrie shells please. No checks. Also, don't tell anyone about this shit."

If I didn't mention it, there aren't two people having that conversation. It's a debate between my inner sense of self-preservation and my charming, happy-go-lucky approach to the mysteries of the afterlife.

So for the second time in my life I'm shoving a turkey baster into my snout and squirting water into the holes in my skull. The first is absurd on a profound level, and one which I intend to retell shortly. I won't give away too much short of the fact that when the water hit the area surrounding my optic nerves my vision went completely black. None of that's the interesting part about this piece though.

I was doing floor exercises to get myself sweating before I boxed, and while I did handstands I apparently had been lugging around about three tablespoons of water in my brainal area from this business I involved myself in five hours previously. I thought I had a bloody nose at first.

Is this normal? I ask that with the intention it apply to the entirety of events and choices described above.