The Uberbro— Women: You Don't Have To Smile Because I Told You So.

The worst kind of person in terms of advancing women's rights and the neo-feminist movement are men who takes the offensive (an attacking) as a de facto position regarding neo-feminism.

Why Ben?

Glad you asked, and if you didn't I don't really give a fuck. My opinion is good enough for me, and I'm open to any challenge you'd like to bring my way.

I do mean that. I am absolutely here for you if you want an argument, woman, man, or anyone on any spectrum. I'd love to hear something that changes my opinion, because I actually give a shit. 

What is the Uberbro? The Uberbro is someone who, for whatever reason—be it employment in Planned Parenthood, lots of female friends they wish to fit in with, or whatever—has made the choice that the advancement of neo-feminism is grounded in men refusing to acknowledge sarcasm as a technique for advancing the cause. More specifically, that there is no issue regarding neo-feminism for which humor is not a component in terms of support.

There is a reason the Greeks divided their stagecraft into tragedy and comedy: because they are the same story told in different lights yet equally powerful. In fact, the seemingly contrary approach can often be even more powerful, and  infinitely more impressive and effective, thanks. The comedic interpretation of Medea may, in fact, be more tear-worthy in pointing out the tragedy than a strict tragedy itself, because people will be able to relate to the irony and sarcasm in a way that highlights the ridiculous in reasoning, not in tragical light of singularity, but in they comedic light of universality. 

Gee Ben, can you give me an example? I'm an Uberbro, and I'm ready to take down anyone who thinks that women's issues can be advanced by sarcasm.

Fine asshole, I'm here for you.

A man says to a woman: "Why don't you smile more?"

Classic neo-feminist sexism—rather, new developments in feminism. The Uberbro says this:

Uberbro: It's time to stop pretending that telling women how to be is OK! You don't get it; that's the point. Grow up!

Me: Actually asshole, I do get it, and fuck you. Do you think I can't listen to my wife well enough to get it? You know what the big problem with women is? You tell them over and over that they don't have to smile more just because a man tells them to, and the fucking bitches do it anyway! Men have been lying to women for years to get them to suck their dicks. What man wouldn't just change their pickup line to "no man gets it but I do"  because they still want pussy? If you don't want to be an asshole, don't try to convince a woman you won't fuck her in her asshole. Have you ever heard of listening and thinking? I have, and I've used it to get more pussy from dumb bitches. Win...

You tell me: which one is more powerful, universal, and most importantly, memorable?

Who's going to change nothing, and who's going to tap into the human animal's cognitive humanity and possibly say something that will enter a mind when the issue is at hand? I'll leave it up to you. 

So, in my opinion and thank you very much, Uberbro—you can go fuck yourself. Women, what do you want? An automaton who just agrees with you because they claim ignorance and therefore total capitulation and blind, ignorant acceptance of your thoughts in the name of hubristic and selfish superiority claims, or someone who listens well enough to make a really good sarcastic remark that guts those in a spiritually honest way who are on the fence into getting what you're getting at?

I know where I stand, and that's in favor to people who don't understand but are willing listeners for the advancement of women's rights.  I'd rather reach people by effective means than cut them down and lose the case I'm trying to make on your behalf. Uberbro—take your head out of your own asshole, stop pretending that humor has no place in the advancement of women's rights, and learn to utilize all the tools available to sincerely advance the cause you claim to care about for the sake of your girlfriends, wives, and your own conscience, not your personal glorification and superiority. 

Oh, and I almost forgot. Men: if you say what I just said, I GUARANTEE pussy. Guaranteed. Send a check to me at 2166 S. Ash St, Denver, Co 80222 to enroll in Trumpkins University of Puss. Results guaranteed or your money back after protracted litigation. Ya beta fag...