State of Affairs—The Rise and Run of Hillary Clinton's Career

First installment is up under Politics, Current Events


Politics, Current Events: State of Affairs—The Rise and Run of Hillary Clinton: The Curious Case of the New Square Pardons pt. 2

Politics, Current Events: State of Affairs—The Rise and Run of Hillary Clinton: The Curious Case of the New Square Pardons pt. 1

Politics, Current Events: State of Affairs—The Rise and Run of Hillary Clinton: Prologue


Due to interest, I am currently preparing a series of pieces entitled "State of Affairs", the goal of which is to answer the question that has remained nebulous and reactionary this entire election cycle:

Who and what is she?

I have heard many pieces of information, but without exception there is no evolution of the image in the puzzle. I will tease apart how Hillary Clinton has woven her career with the warp of her character and goals, and the weft of political machinations and opportunism. I believe it is important to have a concrete response to both political supporters and detractors that has usually been based on communally agreed upon hearsay in this election cycle. Good, bad or otherwise, context and facts should always supersede the ease of riding a partisan wave.

I am open to any avenues anyone would like me to pursue, and will be largely offering a documentary rather than commentary.