
Take my body.
Flay me.
Rip my limbs from socket joints
long ossified by time.
You broke me on a whim
for sake of raising others
at the table of my corpse,
or roasting sacrifices to your gods
who've deafened to your feeble prayers.

I still defy you.
You have failed in your charge
For now my skin is tinder.
Pile my quarters high
and with my members
set the pyre alight.

Damned and butchered as you left me
still my spirit rises in the night,
a beacon to the living
that no pneuma can be taken,
or immolated by mere men.

For I am not the body but the fire.
Leave me where you found me
and the scavengers consume my flame,
or torch and watch me slip through fingers,
burning those who hurl a final fist.

I am becoming and eternal.
Your have delivered me with your hate.
I am the light.